When we harvest freshly cut agave, we require that the raw sugar content temperature to be at least 21 degrees, Brix. We take special care in trimming our agave pinas very close to the heart, this helps eliminate that oily/waxy taste & texture.
We cook our agave in thick stone walled brick ovens (hornos) up to 54 hours. This traditional art of 'slow cooking' in brick ovens will prevent the cooked agave from caramelizing while softening the fibers.
With shredding, the sugar is extracted from the cooked agave via our shredding machine, known as a 'Molino' or mill. As all of the agave fibers pass through the milling heads, the agave is squeezed releasing sugar concentrated juice.
Our distillery uses a medium to slow fermentation system. The average fermentation requires 48-60 hours. Each of our 21 fermentation tanks have a capacity of 7,926 gallons. Many mass produced Tequilas are fermented for only 10-20 hours.
A slow distillation process is utilized approximately 5 hours per 5000 liter pot. We choose to use alembic stills known as pot stills. The first distillation separates and concentrates alcohol from the fermented wort. The resulting alcohol content is 25% Alc/vol. The second distillation enriches the alcohol content to approximately 55% Alc/vol which is the final product.